Pump Court Chambers


We have collated all the recent guidance around remote hearings from a variety of sources, as well as draft template orders, to make it as easy as possible for our clients during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Some are area specific and can found on the relevant criminal, civil and family guidance pages and some below are more general and can be found below:



We offer state of the art technology in the form of the Zoom (with integrated Skype for Business) and can liaise with our clients, Courts and the judiciary to ensure the effectiveness of hearings where they are unable to set up a hearing via their integrated systems (BT Meet Me, etc). Lifesize video conferencing facilities are used in many businesses, including a number of sets of chambers. It works seamlessly with Microsoft Teams and Lifesize.

Joining a virtual hearing, conference or meeting could not be simpler. One of the clerks will make the necessary arrangements and send a link by e-mail. All the recipient has to do to join is to click on the link which will take them into the virtual room. As long as a person has a stable internet connection, they will be able to make use of Lifesize. It can be used via laptop, PC, tablet and even mobile phone.

We also offer this system to complement the varied forms of ADR which we offer (Arbitrations, Private FDRs and Mediations).

Virtual hearings are fully recordable and completely GDPR compliant. The recordings are automatically shared to all involved in the hearing upon conclusion.

In accordance with the Government’s advice, the clerks are working remotely during this time. Our IT and phone software allows an unbroken service and we are able to meet the needs of our clients as though we were present in the clerks room.


We are happy to offer a fixed fee quotation for all of our ADR services, or indeed can offer bespoke fee structures to our clients. We are willing to display a good amount of flexibility given the current circumstances many of our clients are facing.

For further information, please don’t hesitate contact one of our Senior Clerks.

Tony Atkins, Senior Clerk: 07515 334454

James Collier, Senior Family Clerk: 07747 467933

James Wackett, Senior Civil Clerk: 07841 976372

Jonathan Cue, Senior Civil Clerk – Winchester: 07515 334470

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