Call: 1997
Running, farming and family life.
Instructing Amy Ephgrave
If you require help or advice please contact our clerking team.
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Amy Ephgrave specialises in cases involving children and young persons; and at all levels of the Family Court from Magistrates to the Court of Appeal.
She has particular expertise in public law proceedings with a wide experience of care proceedings acting for all parties including local authorities, parents, interveners, guardians, the official solicitor, and also the police on disclosure issues.
In a recent edition of Legal 500 Amy was described as someone who “sees the main issues very quickly and gives clear guidance.” She has also been commended for her “common sense and engaging style”, and for “working beyond her call”.
She has recent experience of cases where the following key issues have featured:
She has particular expertise in public law proceedings with a wide experience of care proceedings acting for all parties including local authorities, parents, interveners, and guardians.
Amy has a strong interest in cases which overlap with mental health law.
Within private law disputes she has notable experience of applications for leave to remove from the jurisdiction, emergency applications, and enforcement procedure.
Amy has extensive knowledge of injunctive proceedings, particularly arising from domestic violence. She has been instructed by Wiltshire Police to undertake court work arising from the Domestic Violence Protection Orders pilot scheme.
Running, farming and family life.
Instructing Amy Ephgrave
If you require help or advice please contact our clerking team.
Call +44 (0)20 7353 0711 or email