Siân is one of the outgoing Pegasus scholars this year and will be taking up a two-month placement with the Kapila and Nirmal Hingorani Foundation in New Delhi, India. The Trust, organised through the Inner Temple, partners with host organisations around the world to enable junior barristers to forge links with lawyers from other jurisdictions […]
Siân, instructed by Rebecca Austin of the RCN, represented a care home manager accused of several charges relating to failures in care for an end-of-life resident and a number of failings in the home identified within a CQC report. The Registrant accepted the charges relating to the CQC findings but denied those in respect of […]
Pump Court Chambers is very proud to be taking part in the 20th Anniversary London Legal Walk on 18th June 2024. Stuart Snow, Maria Henty, Sian Beavan, Alex McHugh, Albert Gibbon, Nazifa Chowdhury, Carol Cheng, Rukan Hazar, Palak Sikri, Rebecca Paterson, James Wackett, Dean Cunniff, Tim Broom, Fern Stuart, Nancy Thompson, and Jaiden Amin, will […]
Siân was instructed by Rebecca Austin of the RCN to represent one of three nurses before the NMC. The three registrants faced the same, single charge involving the restraint or inappropriate contact with a terminally ill patient during his final admission to hospital. During a 3-week hearing, Siân cross-examined multiple witnesses, including a vulnerable complainant […]
Siân, instructed by Emma Davies of the RCN, secured a finding of no impairment for a Registrant (R) at a Fitness to Practice hearing. The Registrant accepted the charges against her, which were found proved by admission. The charges related to a single shift during which she failed to conduct two hourly observations and failed […]
Pump Court Chambers is very pleased to announce the following members of the criminal team have been re-graded on the CPS Advocate Panel List: Ellie Fargin – Level 4 general crime panel Siân Beaven – Level 2 general crime panel and appointed to Extradition panel (Level 2) Stephanie Painter – Level 3 general crime panel […]
Siân, instructed by Emily Alexander of Roach Pittis solicitors, secured an acquittal for her client after a 2 day trial. The crown’s case relied entirely on CCTV of the incident. The defendant, who was of good character, accepted punching the complainant who landed and sustained a serious head injury however, he stated he did so […]
Siân, instructed by Emily Alexander of Roach Pittis solicitors, acted for a vulnerable defendant who pleaded guilty on an acceptable basis to an offence of causing serious injury by dangerous driving. The defendant, who was elderly and previously of good character, misapplied the pedals of his automatic car which had been left in reverse at […]
Pump Court Chambers is very proud to be taking part in this year’s London Legal Walk on Tuesday 13th June 2023. Samara Brackley, Sian Beaven, Louisa Simpson, Ruba Huleihel, Hester Calder, Elena Johnson, Shona Love, Alex McHugh and Annabel Hazlitt will join the thousands of other participants on the 10km route through central London, to […]
Siân was instructed by CPS Wessex in the trial before Salisbury Crown Court. The Defendant was convicted after trial of an offence of being an owner/person in charge of a dog dangerously out of control causing injury. The case concerned the Defendant’s Belgian Malinois dog, biting the leg of the victim who, at the time, […]
Siân Beaven, instructed by Bob Scott of Richard Griffiths & Co solicitors, secured an acquittal on two charges of sexual assault. The defendant, a LCpl, was accused of having entered the complainant’s room, and repeatedly touched his upper thigh without consent. The Prosecution case was, that following these episodes of touching, when the complainant had […]
The Registrant (R) faces allegations of gross misconduct by way of inappropriate comments and sexual touching of a colleague (C) whilst on shift at a Nursing Home in 2019. After a re-assessment of the risk, the NMC sought an Interim Suspension Order of 12 months citing its necessity for public protection and that an order […]