Pump Court Chambers

News & Events: Justin Gau

Blog 17th April 2020
Domestic Abuse during COVID-19

The Health Protection (Coronavirus Restrictions) Regulations 2020

A Practical Guide to The Health Protection (Coronavirus Restrictions) Regulations 2020 Justin Gau introduces us to The Health Protection (Coronavirus Restrictions) Regulations 2020. The regulations were introduced as a response to the serious and imminent threat to public health posed by the Coronavirus. In accordance with section 45R of the Public Health (Control of Disease) […]

News 8th February 2020
Justin Gau

Justin Gau secures acquittal in gang rape allegation

At 04.00 at the end of July last year C, a woman living in Bethnal Green, telephoned the Police claiming that she had ben orally and vaginally raped by two men of Mediterranean background who had attacked her as she tried to escape their advances in a park. An ABE interview took place later that […]

News 22nd January 2020
Justin Gau

Bishop’s Disciplinary Tribunal dismisses claim of adultery and criticises the Clergy Discipline Measure procedure

A Bishop’s Disciplinary Tribunal for the Diocese of Chelmsford was convened to deal with an allegation of adultery against the Revd William Bulloch. It was chaired by the Revd and Worshipful Judge Mark Bishop. Counsel for the Respondent was Justin Gau instructed by Edward Henderson of Lee Bolton Monier-Williams. Judgment was handed down on 20th […]

News 3rd May 2018
Justin Gau

Justin Gau successfully defends clergyman charged with misconduct

A clergy discipline tribunal considered a complaint made by a clergyman (‘Rev C’) against another clergyman (‘Rev R’) during a hearing from the 12th to the 14th March. The allegations were: That the conduct of the respondent, the Reverend “R” was unbecoming or inappropriate to the office and work of a clerk in Holy Orders […]

News 23rd March 2018

Discrimination appeal against C of E dismissed

Justin Gau has appeared before the Court of Appeal in the first case under the Equality Act relating to a Gay Priest who married his partner. Canon Jeremy Pemberton had been working as a chaplain in a Lincolnshire hospital when an offer to work as a bereavement manager at Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Trust was withdrawn when […]

News 22nd February 2018

Justin Gau successfully opposes exhumation of wrongly interred person

Justin Gau has successfully opposed the exhumation of Patricia Sutton, who had been wrongly interred at South Stone Cemetery in Southampton. In 1999 Mark Edwards, reserved the exclusive right of burial in a space at the cemetery next to the grave of his late sister and was given a deed recording the reservation accordingly. However […]

News 9th January 2018

Justin Gau briefed in first case of ‘spiritual abuse’

Justin Gau has appeared on behalf of a Vicar in what is considered to be the first reported case of spiritual abuse before a Church of England Tribunal. The Revd Timothy Davis, the vicar of Christ Church, Abingdon, in Oxfordshire, became a mentor to a 15-year-old boy, referred to in the judgment as W1, in […]

News 15th March 2016

Canon Jeremy Pemberton granted leave to appeal

The President of the Employment Appeals Tribunal, Mrs Justice Simler D.B.E. granted Canon Jeremy Pemberton leave to appeal against the Employment Tribunal’s decision in his action against the Right Reverend Richard Inwood, the former acting Bishop of Southwell and Nottingham. Justin Gau, together with Sean Jones QC and Helen Trotter have been instructed by Thomas […]

News 15th June 2015

Priest sues Church for Discrimination

Justin Gau has been instructed to act on behalf of Canon Jeremy Pemberton in his discrimination case against the Church before the Employment Tribunal. Cannon Jeremby Pemberton the first priest to marry his same-sex partner was refused the licence he needed to work as a hospital chaplain by the then acting bishop of Southwell and […]


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