The Family Law Podcast is back for its third series and it starts with a cracker. Hilary Lennox and Jennifer Swan, both of Pump Court, join host Tara Lyons for a comprehensive discussion of the court’s evolving approach to applications for permission to relocate with children internationally. Hilary and Jennifer lend their expertise to explain […]
It was just over a month between the first Covid-19 vaccination being administered and the first reported COP decision relating to it. As ever, this decision is fact specific, but there are some important points to take away. Mrs E was an 80-year old woman, who had been living in a care home since […]
Pump Court Chambers invites prospective pupillage applicants to join us via Zoom for an informative Pupillage Open Evening. Date: Tuesday 21st January 2021 Time: 18:00 until 19:30 The evening will comprise of the following short presentations: The application process, how pupillage is structured and what we look for in our tenants; Recent pupils’ experiences […]
In this lunchtime webinar, Jennie Swan and Naima Asif review the most recent case law and guidance on the topic of International Child Abduction, including a discussion on the impact of the recent pandemic on the legal landscape. Topics covered include: A review of recent appellate cases, including; – Re I-L (Children)(1996 Hague Convention: […]
In this lunchtime webinar, Jennie Swan and Naima Asif will be reviewing the most recent case law and guidance on the topic of International Child Abduction, including discussion of the impact of the recent pandemic on the legal landscape. Topics will include; A review of recent appellate cases, including; – Re I-L (Children)(1996 Hague Convention: […]
I’ll begin with some depressing facts: 1 women is killed every 3 days by a partner or ex partner 1 in 4 women in England & Wales will experience domestic violence in her lifetime, and 8% will suffer in any given year Every minute the Police in the UK receive a DV call, but only […]
Just over a year ago I wrote and presented a lecture on the (then) new case of Re B-S [2013] EWCA Civ 1146, the facts of which every family lawyer is more than familiar with. I think it’s fair to say though that the focus, from very early on, was on the ‘wider principles’ raised […]