In the first of a two-part article on the rise and legal status of McKenzie Friends (MFs), Jennifer Lee, counsel for the applicant in the case LFL v LSL, sets out her experience, and analyses the practice guidance on MFs. This article first featured in the February 2018 edition of Resolution’s gazette, The Review.
Jennifer Lee has successfully represented the applicant wife in LFL v LSL (McKenzie Friends: breach of court orders) [2017] EWFC B62, which is a rare instance of a reported decision by the Family Court, involving an obstructive McKenzie Friend (MF), who was fully named in the Judgment, and severe litigation misconduct by the husband. The […]
There have been many significant developments in this area of the law in recent years, with a number of reported decisions dealing with marital agreements having been reported over the last year. I have had my fair share of cases involving marital agreements, most recently concerning a separation agreement which the parties had entered into […]
Jennifer Lee has successfully persuaded a Court in divorce and financial remedy proceedings that the parties, who were married for many years, should be held to the separation agreement they entered into some 25 years ago. Jennifer Lee appeared for the applicant wife. The respondent husband had sought to argue that some, if not all, […]
Jennifer Lee has recently succeeded in obtaining a substantial Legal Services Provision Order for a vulnerable client in acrimonious family finance proceedings. The order will enable her client to secure vital legal representation in a complex area of law, from the commencement of proceedings through to a final hearing. Without the order, her client’s Article […]
I’ve encountered more than my fair share of tricky litigants in person in recent weeks. A low point was at a difficult FDR when my client’s husband snatched my carefully crafted, handwritten offer and screwed it in to a ball, without giving it so much as a passing glance. Whilst I retained my cool, I […]
Jennifer Lee sets out the courts’ approach when considering a barring order under section 91(14) of the Children Act 1989. As first featured in the Family Law Journal in November 2015. Section 91(14) of the Children Act 1989 (ChA 1989) empowers the court, when disposing of an application under ChA 1989, to make an order […]
Mr Justice Mostyn has handed down judgment in Veluppillai v Veluppillai [2015] EWHC 3095 (Fam)’, a long-running financial remedy case, in which His Lordship made the unusual decision to name the parties involved, in order to expose the ‘absymal’ behaviour of the husband. Jennifer Lee of Pump Court Chambers was instructed to represent the wife, […]
Jennifer Lee has been successful in assisting a client in defending a bankruptcy petition brought against her by a major bank. She was victorious in seeking an order for costs against the bank at an interim hearing, which eventually resulted in a very favourable settlement and dismissal of the petition.
The Court of Protection has recently handed down Judgment in the case of DB v DW [2015] EWCOP16, which involved two competing applications for deputyship of property and affairs for a person who lacks capacity (‘P’). One application was by the applicant, a close friend of P. The other, competing, application was by the respondent, […]
Jennifer Lee discusses the case of Parry and others v HMRC [2014] UKFTT 419 (TC) (7 May 2014), in which the First-tier Tribunal (Tax Chamber) held that a transfer of funds to a personal pension plan was not a transfer of value for inheritance tax purposes. However, an omission to take lifetime benefits from a […]
Jennifer Lee recently appeared in an urgent hearing for the peremptory return of a young child who had been wrongfully retained by the father on Christmas Day. The Court acceded to the application for the child’s immediate return at the first/urgent hearing. The issues are all the more complex because it has now transpired that […]