It is not uncommon for counsel to be asked to represent two or more claimants in a personal injury claim arising out of a road traffic accident, proceeding on the fast track. Usually, it will be the driver and one or more passengers. On occasion, I am a little perturbed by this. This is because […]
We are pleased to launch season 2 of our New Practitioner Series of webinars, which are aimed at practitioners 0-3 years qualified. It includes a range of bite-sized webinars on matters of procedure and law and is designed to be used as training and library resource for practitioners as they navigate their case-loads. The topics […]
Anyone who has any familiarity with fixed-cost personal injury litigation on the fast track will be well familiar with the provisions of CPR Part 36. That part provides that a party can make an offer which will have punitive consequences if it is not beaten by the other side at trial. Part 36 contains numerous […]
We are delighted to launch the first in our series of short, bite-sized webinars, designed as an introduction to practical subjects for practitioners with less than 3 years’ experience improve their skills in personal injury litigation. The Autumn series of webinars includes: The RTA Protocol: Louisa Simpson Credit Hire – A Beginners Guide: Henry Hawkesworth […]
This presentation, by Henry Hawkesworth, is a whistle-stop tour of the issues which arise in a standard credit-hire claim. It is aimed at those who are new to the area, and provides several insights from the point of view of a practitioner who frequently deals with these cases in the county court. It deals briefly […]
Pump Court Chambers invites prospective pupillage applicants to join us via Zoom for an informative Pupillage Open Evening. Date: Tuesday 21st January 2021 Time: 18:00 until 19:30 The evening will comprise of the following short presentations: The application process, how pupillage is structured and what we look for in our tenants; Recent pupils’ experiences […]
There has been an avalanche of commentary on the recent decision of the Supreme Court in WM Morrison Supermarkets plc v Various Claimants [2020] UKSC 12[1]. The case has provided some welcome guidance on vicarious liability in the wake of the earlier decision of Mohamud v WM Morrison Supermarkets plc [2016] UKSC 11[2], and also […]
Pump Court Chambers is delighted to announce that Henry Hawkesworth has joined Pump Court Chambers after successful completion of his third six pupillage following a period as a tenant in a leading set of common law chambers in the North East of England. Called to the Bar in 2018, he has developed a mixed common […]
Despite the postponement of the London Legal Walk due to COVID-19, Pump Court Chambers will still be marking Monday 8th June with a virtual 10,000 Steps for Justice, before coming together in solidarity and support for frontline free legal advice services at the main walk in October. The virus is creating an urgent and unprecedented […]