Pump Court Chambers


Podcasts 23rd November 2020

Pre-nuptial agreements: updates and tips

Amelia Sugden of Pump Court brings host Tara Lyons up to date with the latest case law developments in the world of pre-nuptial agreements. Ever a developing issue, Amelia and Tara discuss the issues raised and give practical tips to any listening solicitors for drafting pre-nuptial agreements in the future.     To download please […]

Podcasts 18th November 2020

Nutshell guide to ex parte applications

Samara Brackley of Pump Court takes host Mark Ablett through her expert nutshell guide to ex parte applications in both Family Law Act 1996 and Children Act 1989 proceedings. The pair discuss everything from procedure through to statements, with Samara providing invaluable insight into the pitfalls along the way.   To download please click here. […]

Podcasts 9th November 2020

Conduct in financial remedies: where are we now?

Maria Henty of Pump Court takes host Mark Ablett through the up to date position in relation to conduct in financial remedy proceedings. The pair reflect on Mostyn J’s efforts to formally categorise different kinds fo conduct in OG v AG [2020] EWFC 52 and Maria provides some invaluable pointers on when to run, and […]

Podcasts 3rd November 2020
Helen Brander

Financial provision for minor and adult children

Helen Brander of Pump Court joins host Mark Ablett to discuss provision for children, both adult and minor, particularly in light of the decision of Sir James Munby in FS v RS & JS. The pod also ventures overseas to look at the extremely different position in Italy, where provision for adult children is the […]

Podcasts 30th September 2020

Special guardianship orders: Where are we now?

In this series finale, Leslie Samuels QC joins host Mark Ablett to talk about special guardianship orders in the light of the Public Law Working Group’s recent report. As a leading silk and deputy High Court Judge, Leslie offers unparalleled insight into the issues raised by the report and what is needed to address them. […]

Podcasts 24th September 2020

Coronavirus: The view from the bench

Edward Boydell of Pump Court Chambers sits down with District Judge Hudd of the Central Family Court to discuss how coronavirus has affected the judiciary and the running of First Avenue House. District Judge Hudd offers some fascinating insights into how the court has operated and how some changes may well be sustained beyond the […]

Podcasts 11th September 2020

Third-party trust interests in financial remedies

Trusts expert Mark Dubbery joins host Tara Lyons for this week’s bumper podcast looking at third-party trust interests and how to deal with them in the context of financial remedy proceedings. Mark indulges us with a whistle-stop tour of the applicable principles for constructive trusts and proprietary estoppel as well as invaluable guidance on tactical […]

Podcasts 2nd September 2020

Unilateral assets in a nutshell

Geoffrey Kelly joins Tara Lyons to provide us with a nutshell guide to the court’s approach to unilateral assets. The podcast considers the origins of the term, Sharp v Sharp and the factors that are required to successfully preserve a party’s unilateral assets.     To download please click here.    

Podcasts 20th August 2020

Costs against the legally aided litigant

Tara Lyons hosts Mark Ablett to discuss the position generally on costs in Children Act proceedings. The pod goes on to explore how one might get an order that the Lord Chancellor pays a costs order in lieu of the litigant with legal aid and the thorny issue of how and when costs protection applies. […]

Podcasts 13th August 2020

When care proceedings and criminal proceedings collide

Corinne Iten of Pump Court Chambers joins regular host Mark Ablett to look at the issues which arise when care proceedings and criminal proceedings collide, following Corinne’s experience of a linked directions hearing in the Crown Court. The pod looks at issues such as the interrelation of the separate but factually linked proceedings and disclosure. […]

Podcasts 7th August 2020

Special advocates in Family Proceedings

Paul Mertens joins Mark Ablett to talk about special advocates in family proceedings, closed material procedures and how the courts attempt a fair outcome where parties are not able to view sensitive material, such as in care proceedings with a radicalisation element. To download please click here.  

Podcasts 22nd July 2020
Tara Lyons

Offers Tactics and Timings

Tara Lyons features in this episode of the Family Law Podcast on offers and when and how to make them. Tara and Mark discuss the impact of the new changes to the Family Procedure Rules, the potential difficulties these could cause and the merit of an early open offer.   To download the mp3 file […]


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