Pump Court Chambers


News, Podcasts 27th June 2023

Imposter Syndrome

Coach and facilitator Samantha Hawkins joins host Mark Ablett to talk about the oft-heard but less understood concept of Imposter Syndrome. The podcast looks at whether it is even a syndrome and some of the wider causes which may impact on those feelings in the individual. Samantha then gives some invaluable practical pointers for dealing […]

Podcasts 15th June 2023

Goddard-Watts v Goddard-Watts

Tara speaks to star guests Ros Bever from Irwin Mitchell and Jenna Lucas of Pump Court about set aside applications and the recent Court of Appeal decision of Goddard-Watts v Goddard-Watts [2023] EWCA Civ 115 in which Ros acted.      To download please click here.     

Podcasts 31st May 2023

CMX v EJX from the professionals involved

In the first episode of the latest series of the Family Law Podcast, Tara Lyons is joined by pensions expert, George Mathieson and our very own Edward Boydell to discuss the pension issues, particularly equality of income versus equality of capital, stemming from the well known case in which they both appeared: CMX v EJX […]

Podcasts 24th November 2022

Transparency and Anonymity in Financial Remedy Proceedings

Simon Purkis of Pump Court Chambers joins host Mark Ablett to talk through the recent move away from anonymity in financial remedy proceedings, at least before certain judges as well as the forthcoming report of the Transparency Implementation Group. Simon covers the law in broad detail as well as giving his views on where the […]

Podcasts 18th November 2022
The Family Law Podcast

HHJ Hess on the Financial Remedies Court & PAG2

In a really exciting episode, HHJ Hess joins co-hosts Helen Brander and Tara Lyons to talk all things financial remedies court and the upcoming PAG2. It was a real privilege to have His Honour join the podcast to provide his unique insight from the vanguard of financial remedies reform, including the origins of the FRC, […]

Podcasts 3rd November 2022

NFTs in family law

A recent talk to the IBA conference in Miami mandated that all lawyers must be familiar with cryptocurrency, and that surely must include NFTs or non-fungible tokens. Sound like gibberish? Well look no further, because Samara Brackley of Pump Court will tell you all about them and how the court is likely to treat NFTs […]

Podcasts 27th October 2022

Cazalet v Abu-Zalaf

Host Mark Ablett is joined by Sara Hannell, managing partner of Alexiou Fisher Phillips solicitors, to talk about her very recent case of Olga Cazalet v Walid Abu-Zalaf [2022] EWFC 119. This is a fascinating case where the applicant wife sought to rescind a 9 year old Decree Nisi on the basis of alleged reconciliation, […]

Podcasts 7th October 2022

Coercive and controlling behaviour (together and separately!)

Catherine Ellis joins host Mark Ablett to discuss coercive behaviour, controlling behaviour and coercive controlling behaviour in the context of private children proceedings. Catherine talks Mark through how we define and identify such behaviour, noting the frequent difficulties for victims in doing so. In circumstances where the guidance is far from definitive, Catherine gives her […]

Podcasts 3rd October 2022
Jennifer Lee

In/Fertility in the City

Jennifer Lee of Pump Court hosts Natalie Sutherland of Burgess Mee and Somaya Ouazzani of Mimoza Fleur to discuss Natalie and Somaya’s brilliant initiative ‘In/Fertility in the City‘. This is a must listen for any interested in fertility and surrogacy law and frankly any lawyer. The podcast shines a spotlight on a subject that all […]

Podcasts 11th August 2022
The Family Law Podcast

Short marriages in financial remedies

Sadie Glover of BP Collins solicitors joins host Mark Ablett to discuss her new book, A Practical Guide to Short Marriages for Family Lawyers. Sadie and Mark discuss in outline the issues financial remedies practitioners face when dealing short marriages and how the court’s approach may differ to a longer marriage. Sadie also gives an […]

Podcasts 1st June 2022
Oliver Foy

Occupation orders and possession proceedings

Oliver Foy of Pump Court joins host Mark Ablett to discuss the interrelation between occupation orders and possession proceedings. This is a particularly important area to consider when advising unmarried cohabitants who occupy a property in the sole name of one party, without a declaration of trust in place. Oliver talks Mark through licences and […]

Podcasts 20th May 2022

Non-accidental head injuries

Fresh from his talk on the same subject for the Resolution National conference 2022, Leslie Samuels QC talks to host Mark Ablett about non-accidental head injuries in care proceedings. The podcast focuses on the practical skills needed for such cases, in particular how to challenge a medical expert when as a lawyer, one is not […]


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