Pump Court Chambers

Ellie Fargin prosecutes owner of two dogs who attacked pensioner

News 31st January 2025
Eleanor Fargin

The 78-year-old pensioner sustained severe life threatening injuries, requiring hospitalisation for four months, following an attack by two rottweilers on 18 August 2023. He suffered an amputation of his left leg and right arm.

Referring to CCTV footage of the incident, Ellie noted that the dogs had been “off lead and their owners were not present” and “the attack went on for about 11 minutes.” Had it not have been for the bravery of a local resident the pensioner would not have survived.

The dogs were “left roaming free”, “had been showing their teeth”, and there were “concerns about the welfare of them as they were living outside”. Ellie commented that a dog charity, the district council, and a police officer tried to intervene but were unsuccessful.

The case has been reported in the national press, including the BBC and Daily Mail websites.

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