Pump Court Chambers

Menopause & financial remedies – Hampshire breakfast briefing

Past Events
6th Oct 2022, 08:00 to 10:00

Venue: Blake Morgan LLP, New Kings Court, Tollgate, Chandler’s Ford, Eastleigh, SO53 3LG

Cost: Free

There has been a huge increase in awareness about, treatment and support of the symptoms of, the Menopause in the last couple of years. Come and join us for a breakfast briefing looking at this from a family law focus point, and consider the potential implications for clients and cases should they encounter this natural life change concurrently with relationship breakdown.

We will be fortunate to be joined by a wide range of experts:

  • Menopause yoga expert, who will introduce us to some breathing exercises beneficial for EVERYONE, whether experiencing menopause or not!
  • A pre-recorded message from Dr Ailsa Maguire MB. BS. MRCP. DRCOG. DipGUM. MRCGP: Menopause expert GP.
  • Jennifer Williamson (Blake Morgan) will take a look at how to run a case in which menopause may arise as a relevant factor.

Bacon baps, coffee and juice as standard…



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