Pump Court Chambers

Royal Navy officer cleared of assault

News 10th May 2021
Eleanor Fargin

Ellie Fargin successfully defended Darren Wearing MBE in Portsmouth Crown Court last week. Mr Wearing had been accused of unlawfully and maliciously causing another grevious bodily harm by angrily pushing him on three occasions. The last push was said to cause the other male to stumble back, roll his ankle, and break his fifth metatarsal which required surgery to pin it and repair the bone with bone grafts. Mr Wearing was adamant from the outset that his actions had been in self defence and he in fact said there had only been two pushes which were needed because of the behaviour of the other person showing physical aggression towards him. Mr Wearing told the Court how he is well used to dealing with high pressured situations and unhappy and aggressive people from his 30 years service in the Royal Navy, culminating in his prestigious position working on ceremonial events for the Royal Navy. He was hand picked for his role and had an exemplary character before he went into the dock at Portsmouth Crown Court including his award of a MBE, and he left the dock with it all still in tact.

Further details of the case can be found as reported by the Daily Mail online.

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