In the past 12 to 18 months Pump Court Chambers have seen a considerable increase in the number of privately funded Criminal Crown Court cases. This is in no small part due to the implementation of Universal Credit legal aid means testing. As a direct consequence of this, the Criminal Practice Group have devised a private fixed fee scheme.
The fixed fee scheme is primarily intended for Criminal Defendants in the Crown Court who have been asked to pay heavy monthly contributions to the Legal Services Commission.
The scheme is largely based on the Graduated Fee Scheme with a sliding scale subject to the Barristers year of call, time estimate and charge.
The aim in offering this scheme is that Instructing Solicitor & client will know the costs involved on any given case, taking away any uncertainty and thereby making the scheme financially beneficial to both Solicitor and client.
Whilst we aim to have an open and transparent approach to fees, we are sensitive to the fact that costs should be proportionate not only to the legal and factual complexities of the case but also the means of the client, who may have a specific budget. If that’s the case, please let us know as Chambers are always open to negotiation on any suggested fees.
If we know the budget in advance and know what needs to be done, we can find a solution. This will ensure that the solution reached is financially beneficial to both Solicitor & Client.
To view the Fixed Fee Schedule click here.